TELE-WORX  Making Communications Work...

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Brian Crowe, 2432 Kingsley Dr., Grand Prairie, TX 75050-8327 USA

+1-972-602-7922 Office / +1-214-616-1641 Cell /

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  TELE-WORX Mission: Product Champion

                            Launch complex new products

                                    Rescue threatened ones

                                            Guard the underlying intellectual property

“Cut through the maze, and do the right things right!”

  What is your application? TELE-WORX knows it!

    √    Metropolitan Optical Networks - MON or ANT - Access                click here

    √    Optical Transport Networks - OTN or LHON - Backbone               click here

    √    Network Management Systems - TMN - OAM&P                            click here

    √    All the Related Network Interfaces and Protocols                          click here

“Problems solved anywhere in the product life cycle...”

  My Experience: Expert Advisor to CEO, CTO, VP Prod Mktg, VP Prod Dev

24 yrs

31 yrs

34 yrs

37 yrs

43 yrs


MBA from Southern Methodist University

Microwave, Copper, Fiber, TDM, SONET, IP and Ethernet Networks

BSEE from Rice University

“Experience Broad and Deep!”

TELE-WORX consults in the telecom and data com industries on the marketplace, the competitive landscape and product feature requirements for modern optical networks and for the associated management systems. TELE-WORX consults on technical aspects of interfaces, protocols, functions and architectures described by the prevailing standards for these networks and systems.

TELE-WORX resolves complexity, adds clarity and sharpens its clients’ focus. 

TELE-WORX is engaged with manufacturers and service providers to “engineer the future” and knows precisely where we are today and something of where we are all heading... 

          Business Owner

          Product Manager

          Project Manager

          Systems Engineer

          In the Industry

  What is your problem? TELE-WORX will solve it!

    √    “Right product – right features – right market...”                             click here

    √    “Make it work – the way it should.”                                                   click here

    √    “See it for what it is – tell it like it is – clearly!”                                click here

Comprehensive RésuméAbout_Me_files/CroweB081001REV.pdfAbout_Me_files/CroweB081001REV_1.pdfshapeimage_10_link_0