A Converter is a computational model element that immediately processes constants, externally provided data, internal model values such as stock levels and flow rates, and other model variables in a user-defined formula.  The result of a converter process is a floating point or an alphanumeric string. 

Three converters types are defined for the Model Builder process:

  1. Single Function Converter is a simple floating point converter type that performs a single mathematical operation on a set of input variables presented to it

  2. Delayed Converter is a converter type that delays the value of a variable for a time value or number of simulation intervals

  3. Customized Converter is a complex converter type that computes any configured multifunction calculation on any number of input variables and delays the result if configured to

The converter symbol is a stylized circle.  The following are converter symbols:

Simple Converter (summed converter illustrated)

Delayed Converter

Customized Converter

Attributes configured by the Model Builder user for any converter:

  1. GRAPHTABLE - display the simplest possible graph and table of RESULT; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

  2. GRAPH - display a high quality formatted graph of RESULT; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

  3. TABLE - display a high quality formatted table of RESULT; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

  4. ABSTRACT - publish RESULT to abstraction layers; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

Attributes configured by the Model Builder user for a simple converter:

  1. FORMULA - the formula to calculate the converter’s result

  2. SHOW VARIABLES - show implicit user input variable and result variable lines and labels on the converter symbol; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

Attributes configured by the Model Builder user for an delayed converter:

  1. DELAY INITIAL - the converter’s initial delay value

  2. DELAY FORMULA - the formula to calculate the converter’s delay value

The attributes of the customized converter are a “superset” of attributes including those of the simple converter for one or more operations and the delayed converter defined above. 

Component Interfaces on an converter allowed by the Model Builder process:

  1. from or to a modeled stock, a modeled flow, a transformer, a converter of a factory as an internal variable value

  2. from an external variable, an adjusted variable or a user-input variable

Error Conditions detected and prohibited by the Model Builder process:

  1. positive or negative infinity (largest number) or smallest number (not zero)

Other Behaviors and Characteristics:

  1. the simple converter symbol shows the operation performed by the converter

  2. the formula for a summed or multiplied converter is trivial and built automatically as operand variable connections are made to the converter

System Dynamics Calculator  

The SD Model in Depth  ↑

Variables →


        System Dynamics Calculator

                The Calculator

                The SD Model in Depth







                        Customized Factory Packages

                        Abstraction Layers, Fragments and Scripts


                The Model Builder

                The Model Simulator

                Appendix: The Modeling Process

                System Dynamics CalculatorR1.pdf
