The model has the following basic file structure:

  1. METEDATA - the minimum metadata to accomplish ownership, version control, security, traceability, and searchability

  2. PREFERENCES - a set of settings that affects appearance, abstraction and other model-specific qualities

  3. LAYER LIST - the primary model registered name and a list of layer registered names

  4. SIMULATION LIST - the list of named simulation scenarios

  5. COMPONENT LIST - the unique set of registered names of model components and fragments contained in the model

The model has the following minimum metadata:

  1. MODEL NAME STRING - the plain language name of the model

  2. MODEL NAME REG - the label assigned to the model by the Model Builder

  3. MODEL MODE - a value of “INTERVAL” for a unitless model or “DATETIME” for a calendar / clock-based model

  4. MODEL OWNER - the Model Builder user who defined the model

  5. MODEL VERSION NUMBER - the model base reference version number

  6. MODEL VERSION OWNER - the modeler information such as organization name and model URL

  7. MODEL VERSION DATE - the published date

  8. MODEL REVISION NUMBER - an appended model revision number

  9. MODEL REVISION OWNER - the user who last revised the model revision

  10. MODEL REVISION DATE - the date of model version changes

  11. MODEL COMPLIANCE - the version of the global system dynamics modeling standard followed by the Model Builder process used to build the model

  12. LOCK MODEL - a value of “NO” (default) or “YES” to prevent Model Builder changes to any element of the model by a user who is not the model owner, model version owner, model revision owner or authorized by a password

  13. LOCK PRIMARY LAYER - a value of “NO” (default) or “YES” to prevent Model Builder changes to any element of the model by a user who is not the model owner, model version owner, model revision owner or authorized by a password

  14. MODEL DESCRIPTION - an abstract of the model’s scope and use – a “Read Me”

The model’s metadata shall be compliant with StratML, an XML-like mark-up language that is searchable and allows the model to be registered in StratML-compliant model “warehouses”. 

The following Model Definition Base attributes are defined in the Model Builder process for each model component or fragment in the model:

  1. COMP NAME STRING - the component’s or fragment’s user assigned plain language label

  2. COMP NAME REG - the label assigned to the component or fragment by the Model Builder

  3. COMP TYPE - the component type or subtype or fragment

  4. COMP LOCATION - the coordinates or “placement” of the component or fragment in the model image

  5. LABEL COMP - label the component with the NAME STRING; a value of “NO” or “YES” (default)

  6. COMP INTERFACE LIST - the names of the interfaces or “ports” that this model component is equipped with; the standard names can be overridden by the user with a new user-assigned plain language COMP INTERFACE NAME STRING

  7. LABEL COMP INTERFACES - label each component interface with the COMP INTERFACE NAME STRING; a value of “NO” (default) or “YES”

  8. COMP CONNECTION LIST - the mapping from each COMP INTERFACE NAME STRING to COMP NAME REG  / COMP INTERFACE NAME STRING on another model component in the model

  9. NOTE - simple text generated by the user and placed anywhere to explain things

  10. NOTE LOCATION - the coordinates or “placement” of the note in the model image

Connections between model components are explicitly known from the defined formulas for each model component. 

The following sections describe the unique characteristics of each component that the model may contain. 

System Dynamics Calculator  

Stocks →

        System Dynamics Calculator

                The Calculator

                The SD Model in Depth







                        Customized Factory Packages

                        Abstraction Layers, Fragments and Scripts


                The Model Builder

                The Model Simulator

                Appendix: The Modeling Process

                System Dynamics CalculatorR1.pdf
